One of Herbalife's biggest independent distributors and President’s Team Member Anthony Powell has left Herbalife to join Vemma and he’s exhorting his 16,000 distributors to join him.
康宝莱最大独立分销商和总裁级的团队成员---安东尼.鲍威尔之一已经离开康宝莱加入 Vemma…他力劝他旗下的16,000 名分销商加盟他!!!
Anthony Powell will distribute Verve energy-drink products for Scottsdale, Arizona-based Vemma Nutrition Co., he said in a webcast to his distributors Jan. 6. Spokesmen for Vemma and Herbalife confirmed the move. Powell didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.
安东尼.鲍威尔在1月6日的网络广播中说:他将分发亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市的Vemma 营养有限公司Verve能量饮料产品!!!Vemma 和康宝莱的发言人分别证实了此举!!!鲍威尔没有回复邮件寻求意见。
“This is going to be the biggest explosion innetwork marketinghistory,” Powell, a 22-year Herbalife distributor who is in his early 40s, said on the webcast distributed by Ustream.tv. “This is a big move for all of us.”
"这将是网络营销历史上最大的爆炸!!!"鲍威尔 , 这个40岁出头 , 有着22 年康宝莱经销商经验的人 , 在 Ustream.tv 分布式网络广播上如是说:"这是我们大家的一个重大举措"。
Herbalife’s stock has lost nearly half its value since Greenlight Capital Inc.’s David Einhorn questioned the company’s disclosures during a May 1 conference call.
康宝莱股票价值已失去其市值的近一半!!! Greenlight资本公司的大卫艾因霍恩在 5 月1日的电话会议中质疑康宝莱公司的财务透明情况。
Powell wants all of his distributors to move with him by Jan. 10 and he’s offered incentives for doing so, which include free entry into Vemma’s network, he said. While Herbalife has said its network of distributors numbers 3 million, Powell is an influential figure in his world because he’s on Herbalife’s President’s Team, one of the highest levels a distributor can attain.
鲍 威尔希望他所有的分销商在1月10日之前与他一道转到Vemma公司…他说 , 对于与他一道转到Vemma公司的康宝莱经销商 , 他将提供有竞争力和非常棒的激励措施 , 其中包括零门槛进入 Vemma 的网络…虽然康宝莱声称它的分销商网络达到300 万之多 , 但同时鲍威尔却是在康宝莱领域中具有影响的人物 , 原因在于鲍威尔是康宝莱的总裁团队成员 , 是少有能够达到康宝莱最高级别经销商的成员之一!!!
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